
Ranger - The file manager - cli

Is like handling "Finder" in OSX, just much better!

Works great in st (sterm, stterm) and in urxvt.
I encountered some problems in xfce4-terminal and konsole with previewing images - some image fragments stay. 

Update: previewing images works well with ueberzug instead of w3m.

For people that are used to work with vim it will be easy to use ranger.

It previews all sort of files, plays them as well, opens files in x-apps ...

there are lot of possibilities to extend and configure ranger, for example search with fzf:




that brings nerdfonts to ranger

For those who own .dsf-files (SACD), ranger can preview them with mediainfo and play with mpv (where you can specify a certain audio output in ranger's config files).

I experienced some problems with the yank-commands in ranger so make sure you got xsel or xclip installed.


Quick start:

Ranger is available in your repositories so just install it with your favourite software manager (check dependencies and recommendations!).
then open up a terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and do:

    $ ranger --copy-config all
    $ cd ~/.config/ranger
    $ ls

Now you see all your config files.

commands.py    -    here go commands like fzf, compress

rc.conf               -    here you do basic configuration like color, borders, preview, shortcuts

rifle.conf            -    specify the software used to open files

scope.sh            -    how you preview files


Once you did:

$ ranger 

type in ? to get a overview about commands, key-bindings, man-page and settings

Now in ranger press Tab so you can see invisible files, go to /.config/ranger (middle column is the one you're in), press m, then r - et voila, got you first bookmark.
To call bookmarks press ' and choose the letter you gave it before. You'll get a menu for that.

Moving is easy - cursor keys or, typical for the "vi-world" use hjkl

preview a file    -    press i
open a file        -    press right or enter
on a directory press dc    -    shows total foldersize

MediathekView - get the AppImage

After some troubles running Mediathekview i got the AppImage


and made it work with ORF


Problems solved! 


Linux - autofs nfs

To get easy access to nfs shared folders install autofs:


    $ sudo pacman -S nfs-utils

Edit /etc/exports to add a share:

in a new line type something like


or extended like:




when finished do:

$ systemctl enable nfs-server.service
$ systemctl start nfs-server.service




    $ sudo pacman -S autofs nfs-utils

Edit /etc/autofs/auto.master (Arch Linux) - otherwise it's /etc/auto.master:

$ sudo nano /etc/autofs/auto.master

look for the line starting with 


make it:

/net -hosts --timeout=60


Note on /net and /smb:

These two default configurations may be useful for your set-up.
If you have a lot of NFS or Samba shares, you may want to uncomment these lines. /net enables auto-mounting of file systems elsewhere on the network which are exported by NFS.
For example, if you have a server named fileserver with an NFS export directory called /export, you can mount it by typing in a shell command line cd /net/fileserver/export.
In an environment with NFS file servers, such a configuration can be useful.
/smb functions the same way but is for Samba file systems.
However, if you need to authenticate before accessing the Samba share, automount will not function.

After do :

$ systemctl enable autofs.service
$ systemctl start autofs.service

To lookup nfs-shares:
$ showmount -e 192.168.1.xxx

Then connent from your remote client like (after IP auto-completion should work):
$ ls /net/192.168.1.xxx/my/share/like/in/output/of/showmount
If there appears the message
 clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered
 probably the nfs-server is inactive or there's something wrong with the exports.
$ systemctl status nfs-server.service
$ systemctl restart nfs-server.service

Just a few days ago I tried to install a nfs-server on Zyxel NSA325v2/ 4.4.271-1-ARCH-armv5tel
but the latest version of nfs-utils was not working and I had to downgrade. Thanks to http://tardis.tiny-vps.com/aarm/ that isn't a big deal

If shutown or reboot system takes a long time:

automount might be a problem.




has a line:




which can be uncommented and changed!

TLP can cause waiting time as well!



Numlock Plasma Desktop

After startup Feren OS (my favourite at time) numlock  was still on. As i use a Raspberry keyboard (79 keys) that's pretty annoying.

Look for login settings

enter image description here

but changing here didn't solve my problem, though it's good to have numlock activatet by default just in case you need to scroll a tty output. 
The second to look for (what solved my problem) is keyboard settings.


Linux - lsDeluxe - lsd

If you are on the command line listing directories and want to get fancy icons, lsd is the tool to use.

Not in the apt repositories, snap doesn't work for me so i went here: https://github.com/Peltoche/lsd/releases, downloaded the suitable .deb file.

Project's page


In Arch lsd is available in the repositories:
$ sudo pacman -S lsd

I had some problems with fonts - i ended up installing from https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/find/master:

patched-fonts/Hack/Regular/complete/Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf



Linux - fzf - command-line fuzzy finder

I tried to install fzf via apt but it seems it's not available in the repositories any more.
So i installed the snap version but that didn't work out as well. Snap listed the installed file but didn't start it.
My third choice was
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf/install
That worked out for me.

On Deepin 15.11 i additionally had to run:
        $ source ~/.fzf.bash
to make it work.

Project's page:

Use with ranger:

A explaining video: